Sports have been part of our lives for centuries, shaping our cultures and influencing modern sporting arenas. From Ancient Greece to modern-day stadiums like in Dundee—where you will find Europe’s first digital-enabled arena space—sporting arenas play a significant role in people’s lives. These were and still are places where people met, socialised, and supported a team or favoured athlete.
Sports stadiums take pride in their place in communities. You can still see in the modern designs the historical influences, especially the Ancient Greek and Roman stadiums.
Ancient Greece & Rome Sports Event Arenas
Greece was the birthplace of the Olympics of today. Events included chariot racing, horse racing, wrestling, boxing and running, plus they held the first pentathlons. Built-in 776 BC, Olympia had thousands of people standing shoulder to shoulder to enjoy the sporting spectacle. Despite being built with mud, the arena was used again in 2004 for the hammer-throwing event of the Athens Olympics.
While enjoying similar events to the Greeks, Romans showed a more blood-thirsty tendency in their sports where Gladiators fought each other, slaves and criminals to the death, a practice that went out of favour as Christianity took hold.
However, Romans of every class attended these violent sporting events alongside horse racing and athletic sports like running and javelin throwing.
Sporting events had great importance in both the Roman and Greek civilisations. The events and the arenas were places of pageantry and splendour to honour their gods and highlight the importance of the hosts.
The popularity of sporting arenas continues today. While now the spectators can be in their millions due to technology, thousands still attend the stadiums to interact, support their teams and be part of the atmosphere, just as the Romans and Greek did.
Architectural Influences From Greece & Rome
Delphi Stadium
The Delphi stadium showcased new ideas from Olympia when it was built. This stone, rather than mud, the stadium has a 12-row seating area with staircases dividing them – an idea incorporated into the building of the Colosseum in Rome.
Pompei Stadium
The oldest known Roman amphitheatre was found preserved in the ash from the Mount Vesuvius eruption in AD 79. The amphitheatre had an oval arena surrounded by seating. Six arches led to the arenas apex and held unusual trapezoid staircases, a style not used again. This design was replicated in 1914 with the Yale Bowl, with more modern seating and player facilities.
The Colosseum
The Colosseum’s design incorporated a way to manage crowds entering and leaving the arena via small openings or vomitoria. The VIPs had their special select entrance. Today both these design features are incorporated with electronic tech to monitor and record crowd movement.
The Colosseum even had pipes throughout the stadium that misted the crowd with perfume. The Colosseum influenced the 1922 Horseshoe Stadium built for Ohio State, especially the exterior upper deck – no perfume, though!
Thanks to the ancient civilisations for recognising the importance of sports and sports arenas. Today’s stadiums continue to evolve to meet today’s needs, like being disability accessible, safety for all, TV gantries for those who cannot attend in person and faster flow for entrances and exits, but the influence of the past is still present.
Modern Sporting Arenas: Merging Ancient Inspirations with Innovative Technology
Incorporating the past’s inspiration into modern-day arenas has resulted in sophisticated designs that enhance the spectator experience. Europe’s first digital-enabled arena in Dundee is a perfect example of this evolution, which brings together history and technology. Incorporating modern technology such as digital screens, state-of-the-art sound systems, and wireless internet access, this arena offers spectators an immersive experience like never before.
Technology also allows fans from around the world to virtually attend games, expanding the reach of the sporting events and connecting communities globally. Furthermore, modern stadiums are increasingly adopting sustainable practices, harnessing solar power, rainwater collection, and other innovative techniques to minimize their environmental impact, another considerable advancement from the arenas of ancient times.
Sporting Arenas as Cultural Hubs
Sporting arenas have been pivotal in shaping the social and cultural life of communities for centuries, acting as sites for communal gatherings, celebrations, and shared emotional experiences. Today, they continue to play this role but have also evolved into much more. Arenas today are not just for sporting events; they have become multifunctional spaces that host concerts, public speeches, and large-scale community events. They often house museums, galleries, and eateries, making them important cultural and entertainment hubs in their own right. Much like the amphitheatres of ancient Rome, modern stadiums and arenas serve as a testament to our societies’ love for spectacle, community, and shared experiences.
Their significance extends beyond the boundaries of sports, contributing to a city’s identity and economy. As such, the design of modern arenas often reflects the character and culture of their cities, creating a sense of pride and belonging among their communities.